
仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1 知识点+测试(含听力)

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Unit 4 Topic 1What can I do for you?


【重点短语和句型】1. buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 为某人买……Linda wants to buy a toy car for her cousin. = Linda wants to buy her cousin a toy car.2. try on sth.= try sth. on 试穿    try it/them on(固定搭配)Maria tries on the coat in a clothes shop.3. The coat looks very nice on you. 你穿上这件外套真漂亮。4. That’s fine. We’ll take it. 好的,我们就买它了。5. I am just looking. 我只是随便看看。6.“Are you kidding?”你在开玩笑吗?7. think 想,认为   think about 考虑     think of 认为Kangkang thinks it’s Li Ming’s.I’ll think about it. 我要考虑一下。    think about a plan 考虑一项计划What do you think of this yellow skirt?8. Thank you all the same. 仍然感谢你。9. get some wate 取水     fly a kite / kites 放风筝    sing some songs 唱歌meet friends at home 在家和朋友见面have a picnic=go (out) for a picnic 去野餐get up 起床            go home 回家          go fishing 去钓鱼       go shopping=do some shopping  购物go to the zoo 去动物园   go to the West Hill 去西山    visit a friend 拜访朋友call … back 回电话do one’s homework 做作业    take one’s order点菜    take some bread 带一些面包   see the Monkey Show 看猴子表演10.  ask sb. to do sth.  请/要某人做某事Could you ask her to call me back this evening? 你能让她今晚给我回个电话吗?11.  need sth. /to do sth. 需要(做)某事We need to help them with their English. 我们需要帮助他们学英语。We need two kilos of apples and some rice.
12.  have / has to do sth. 不得不/必须做……Kangkang has to cook. 康康必须要做饭。Kangkang doesn’t have to cook. (变否定句)13.  save 节省,攒钱,挽救Big sale! Buy more and save more!  大降价!买得多,省得多!Ben can save ¥5.14.  here 这里   there 那里Here you are. 给你。 Here it is. 在这。 Here we are. 我们到了。The clothes are there, madam. 夫人,服装在那边。---Where is Baby Monkey’s home? --- It’s there.15. be free = have time 有时间,有空   Are you free this Sunday? = Do you have (any) time this Sunday?I’m sorry I have no time. = I’m sorry I don’t have any time.16. It’s time to do sth / for sth. 该做某事了,是做某事的时候了It’s time to have breakfast.= It’s time for breakfast.17. Thank you for your help. = Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你的帮忙。18. at eight o’clock 在八点整  in the morning / afternoon / evening 在早上/下午/晚上         on Sunday moring在星期天早上19. on one’s way home 在某人回家的路上         on one’s way to school 在上学的路上Buy some eggs and rice on your way home.The Baby Monkey can’t find his way home.【单元知识点详解】1. 购物表达语1) ---Can I help you? / May I help you? ---Yes, please. I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. /  I’m just looking, thanks.2) ---What can I do for you?---I want a T-shirt for my son.3) ---Can I try it on? / Why not try them on?  --- Sure / No problem.4) That’s fine. We’ll take it.5) 280 yuan! Are you kidding? I’ll think about it. Thank you all the same.6) ---Could you help me do some shopping?--- Sure. What do we need?7) ---Is that all?  就那些吗? --- Yes, I think so. 是的,我想就这些。8) ---It’s too heavy. 它太重了。  ---Let me help you. 让我帮助你吧。
2. 询问对事物的观点、看法---How do you like this pair of pants?=What do you think of this pair of pants? 你认为这条裤子怎么样?--- They’re too long. / I don’t like it at all. How about the blue one?
3. 询问数量how much +不可数名词 + …?how many+可数名词(复数) +…?
---How many apples do you need?---We need two kilos of apples.  
---How many bags of rice do you need?---We need five bags of rice.  
---How much rice do you need?---We need five bags of rice.  
4. 询问价格(price)---How much is / are ……?  ---It’s / They’re …….---How much is the bread? ---It’s three yuan a loaf.---How much are the shoes? ---They are 280 yuan.
5. 询问重量(quantity)---How heavy is it? --- It’s one kilo a bag.一千克一袋。
6. 打电话的简单交际用语1) ---Who is this, please?  ---This is Sally.2) ---May I speak to Maria?  ---Sorry, she isn’t in/at home now.  3) ---Are you free this Sunday? ---Yes. What’s up?4) ---Would you like to go to the West Hill with us?5) ---Could you ask / tell him to call me back this evening? ---Sure.
7. 委婉地请求、建议1) ---Would you like to fly a kite with me?  ---Oh/Yes, I’d love/like to.2) ---How/What about flying a kite with me?---I’m sorry I can’t. I have to cook.3) ---Why not fly a kite with me?  ---I’d like that, but I’m sorry I have no time.4) ---Let’s fly a kite.  --- Good idea. / OK. / That would be very nice.
8. 询问时间(time)---What time is it, please? / What is the time, please?---It’s seven o’clock.
9. 询问最喜欢的动物---What are your favorite animals?---Elephants/Monkeys/Panadas/Tigers.They’re so/very kind/clever/cute/strong.
1. 时间表达法
(1)直接表达:“时+分”,如: 4:00 four o’clock ; 12:05 twelve o five;2:30 two thirty(2)30分钟以内:用“分+ past+ 时”,表示“几点几分”如:8:15 a quarter past eight;    9:30 half past nine(3)超过30分钟:用“(60-分)+ to+(时+1)”表示“差几分到几点”如:3:55 five to four ; 5:40 twenty to six
2. some与any 的用法

some 用于肯定句及希望得到肯定回答的疑问句,any用于否定句和疑问句中。
She wants some oranges.  Does she want any oranges?What about / Why not have/ Would you like some chicken?

【参考范文】Dear Jack ,    How are you? Now I’m in Beijing, China. The Chinese people are very kind. I have some good friends . We often eat out. I like Chinese food very much. My favorite food is jiaozi. I like Beijing Roast Duck, too. It is very nice. I can visit the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. I can visit Tian’anmen Square, too. I’m glad to be here.    Would you like to visit Beijing? I look forward to your visit next year.



仁爱版初中英语七年级上册Unit4 Topic1 测试


Unit 4 Topic 1

(满分100分  时间90分钟)







第一部分  听力 (20分)


A.   B.     C.   D. E.

1. ____   2. ____   3. ____   4. ____   5. ____


(   )6. A. Yes, I think they are nice.   

B. No, I don’t think they are nice.

C. I like them very much. I’ll take them.

(   )7. A. Yes, they’re too heavy.  

         B. Let me help you.  C. Thank you all the same.

(   )8. A. It’s very great.  B. Here is fifty yuan.  C. It’s fifty yuan.

(   )9. A. Sure.  B. Not at all.    C. It’s too long.

(   )10. A. Yes, please.  B. I want a bottle of juice. C. I think so, too.


(   )11. A. A skirt.   B. A pair of pants.   C. A pair of shoes.

(   )12. A. Yes, he does.   B. No, he doesn’t. 

           C. He wants the white pair.

(   )13. A. Yellow.    B. Red.   C. Blue.

(   )14. A. Eight.  B. Six.  C. Two.

(   )15. A. It’s too long.   B. It’s too small. C. It’s too big.


(   )16. What does the man want to buy?

A. A coat. B. A shirt.  C. A pair of shoes.

(   )17. How does the man like the black coat?

A. It’s too short.  B. It’s too big. 

C. He doesn’t like its color.

(   )18. Which(哪个)one does the man like?

A. The black one.  B. The red one C. The blue one.

(   )19. How much is it?

A. 20 yuan.   B. 100 yuan.  C. 120 yuan.

(   )20. Where are they now?

A. In a food shop.  B. In a clothes shop.             

C. In a book shop.

第二部分  基础知识运用 (55分)


(   )1. —I like these shoes. Can I ____?


A. try them on        B. try on them                     

C. try it on           D. try on it

(   )2. —I’m sorry I can’t help you.


A. Not at all.  B. I’m not happy.         

C. Thank you all the same.                                   

D. You can’t come back.

(   )3. —Do you like the dress, madam?

—Yes. It is very nice and I’ll ____ it.

A. think   B. take C. want  D. need

(   )4. —____ do you       the red skirt?

          —It’s too short.

A. What; like            B. How; think of           

C. What; think                     D. How; like

(   )5. I like this green dress but Lucy likes that red      .

A. it    B. one     C. pants    D. shoes

(   )6. —Thanks for helping me.


A. You’re right.    B. Thank you all the same.

C. No problem.      D. Not at all.

(   )7. —____ milk do we need?

          —Four bottles.

A. How much           B. How many               

C. How old               D. How heavy

(   )8. 找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。

A. cat B. come  C. nice   D. cute

(   )9. —The shirt is three hundred yuan.

—Three hundred yuan! ____ you ____?

A. Do; kidding         B. Do; kid                   

 C. Is; kidding          D. Are; kidding

(   )10. —How ____ the apples?

—They are five yuan a kilo.

A. many are  B. much is  C. many is D. much are



Salesman: Hello, can I help you?

Betty:       Yes.   11 

Salesman: Oh, we’ve got some jackets over here.   12 

Betty:       I like this one in blue.   13 

Salesman: Yes. But only in red.

Betty:       What do you think of the red one will look on me?

Salesman: Well, put it on. Right.   14 

Betty:       Mm. It’s the right size but it’s a bit bright.   15 

Salesman: $60.

       Betty:      Mm, I’ll think about it.

A. It looks OK!

B. You may try it on.

C.   What size do you wear?

D. How much is it?

E. Come this way.

F. I want a jacket.

G. Have you got this jacket in a larger size   (大号), please?

11._______ 12._______ 13._______ 14._______ 15._______


Jane:      Hi, Helen. It’s Sunday. Why not go out and   16   some shopping!

Helen:    Good idea.

(They are in the clothes shop.)

Salesgirl: What can I do for you?

Jane:      I   17   a skirt.

Salesgirl: How do you like this blue   18  ?

Jane:      I don’t like its color.

Salesgirl: What about this white one?

Jane:      It looks very nice. Can I   19   it on?

Salesgirl: Sure.

Jane:      Helen,   20   do you think of it?

Helen:    That’s fine. You look nice   21   this skirt.

Jane:       How   22   is it?

Salesgirl: 120 yuan.

Jane:      OK. I’ll take it. What would you like, Helen?

Helen:     I’d like to   23   a pair of shoes.

Salesgirl: How about the blue pair?

Helen:    Er… I don’t know.

Jane:        24   try them on?

Helen:     All right. Oh, that’s great. How much are they?

Salesgirl: 380 yuan.

Helen:    Are you kidding? Well, I’ll   25   it. Thank you all the same.

Salesgirl: Not at all.

(   )16. A. do  B. to do C. does  D. doing

(   )17. A. think B. like  C. want  D. see

(   )18. A. it    B.one   C. that       D. coat

(   )19. A. take  B. buy     C. try  D. look

(   )20. A. how  B. where  C. why   D. what

(   )21. A. at  B. in   C. for  D. on

(   )22. A. much   B. many  C. old   D. about

(   )23. A. look  B. buy   C. need   D. see

(   )24. A. Why not     B. Would you like     

          C. How about   D. What about

(   )25. A. buy  B. take  C. think   D. think about



Do you know the Lantian Clothes Shop? The clothes in the shop are very good. Look at the brown dress. It’s very nice. And it’s just 60 yuan. The red skirt looks cool and it’s just 35 yuan. Look! There are many caps. And it has all kinds of T-shirts and shoes. Boys and girls, welcome to the Lantian Clothes Shop.


(   )26. We can buy some vegetables in the shop.

(   )27. The brown dress looks very nice.

(   )28. The red skirt is just 60 yuan.

(   )29. The cap looks cool and it’s 35 yuan.

(   )30. All kinds of T-shirts and shoes are in the shop.


Welcome to our food shop. All kinds of food are on sale! Do you need vegetables? We have many kinds of vegetables. They are not dear. Do you like milk? We have good milk, like Guangming, Mengniu and Yili, for just two yuan a bottle. Do you like chicken? Chicken is for just twelve yuan a kilo. Beef(牛肉) is for just eighteen yuan a kilo. Fish is for eight yuan a kilo. Come with your family and friends!


(   )31. We can buy ____ in the shop.

A. bike   B. book    C. shoes    D. milk

(   )32. Two bottles of milk is just ____ yuan.

A. 1    B. 4     C.  3      D. 2

(   )33. A kilo of chicken is ____ yuan.

A. 2    B. 12     C. 20    D. 24

(   )34. Beef is ____ yuan half a kilo.

A. 9   B. 18      C. 36   D. 8

(   )35. I need two kilos of fish. It’s ____ yuan.

A. 8    B. 4     C. 16     D. 20


Dinghao’s Clothing Shop





white,   blue






red,   white



red,   green, black



black,   red


(   )36. What clothes is the cheapest(最便宜的)of all?

A. Cap.   B. T-shirt.    C. Pants.   D. Gloves.

(   )37. How much are two skirts and a cap?

A. $8.     B. $16.          C. $24.      D. $21.

(   )38. You can buy ____.

A. black pants         B. a blue skirt               

C. a green cap        D. red gloves

(   )39. You like red and you have $6. You can take ____.

A. a T-shirt          B. a cap                        

C. a skirt              D. pants

(   )40. You can’t buy ____ in the shop.

A. shirt  B. T-shirt   C. dress   D. cap

第三部分  写作 (25分)



1. What does“madam”m____ in Chinese?

2. There are (有) about eight h____ students in my school.

3. He is full (饱的) and he doesn’t want to eat a____.

4. —How h____ are these bananas?

—About 3 kilos.

5. I will go to a clothes s____ to buy a coat.


6. The dress is only 30 yuan. (对画线部分提问)

____ ____ is the dress?

7. May I help you? (同义句转换)

____ can I ____ for you?

8. How do you like this book? (同义句转换)

____ do you ____ of this book?

9. I want some fish. (改为否定句)

I ____ want ____ fish.

10. He wants two bags of rice. (对画线部分提问)

   _____ _____ bags of rice does he want?

Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。(5分)

11. 我可以试穿一下它们吗?

     Can I _____ _____ _____?

12. 他的学校有241位老师。

     Two _____ _____ _____ teachers are in his school.

13. 去动物园?我考虑一下吧。

     Go to the zoo? I’ll _____ _____ _____.

14. 这个星期天我想去购物。

     I want to _____ _____ _____ this Sunday.

15. —我英语不好。


—My English isn’t good.

—____ ____ ____ you.


请根据下面的提示, 写一篇50词左右的对话。

提示: 你去买一条裤子, 营业员告诉你有各种颜色的裤子, 最后你用 90    元买了一条蓝色的裤子。营业员和你分别用A和B表示。

各种颜色的裤子: pants in all colors



Unit 4 Topic 1 单词听力+课文朗读+测试(含听力)下载



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